
Exploring the 21st Century Landscape of the European Payments Market

Exploring the 21st Century Landscape of the European Payments Market

In the #workshop organized by Kosovo Banking Association with the guest speaker Capsys Financial Technologies Ltd. representatives from the banking sector and the regulator gathered to explore the evolving dynamics of financial transactions in the region and the #European #payments market.

Capsys Informatics, a Hungarian Company and a #key contributor to this transformative work, shared insights into their role in shaping the future of instant payments. Their presentation not only highlighted the #advancements achieved but also ignited #discussions on #strategies to #enhance the effectiveness of instant payment systems. The workshop provided an opportunity for the participants to gain a broader understanding of the ongoing developments in the European payments landscape. With discussions centering on topics such as "How to make an instant payment system more effective?" attendees gained valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities shaping the #future of #financial #technology.

As we navigate the challenges of the continuously #evolving payments systems, workshops like this are important for facilitating collaboration, being informed and creative, and making progress towards integration into the European payments market. By sharing #knowledge and forming partnerships, everyone involved can help make significant #changes that will shape the future of the finance and banking sector.

Special thanks to ProCredit Bank Kosova for making available their training facilities for this workshop.